A warning to all request makers.


  • 1 659
  • 19 May 2024
  • 0:33



comments 8

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@Barry_gacha i agree, most people on this site supports the wrong people, even the person who funds me with alts is a pedophile. I don't support him but hes a pedophile

Izuku midoriya 27 May 2024

Fucking "leave a comment" button smh

Izuku midoriya 24 May 2024

Bruh.. youre legit making my pouny. F dumbass

He was so butt hurt because of only ONE misunderstanding and holds a burning grudge to Vixen and anyone who is friends with her, he keeps saying that his problem was because Vixen is a predator which she barely isn't and that she wants attention when HE was the one wanting attention just to have his name out there, but solely keeps denying it, he only posted a few pictures and that was it, no other photos and zero videos

Barry_Gacha 22 May 2024

Shit up Michael you just want attention, it Will happen, you support pedos

FRENCH 22 May 2024

No one will accept a complaint over a porn website, barry_gacha is incredibly dumb

Izuku midoriya 22 May 2024

He' s a pain in the ass i quit a very long time agao

he said he's gonna file complaints on me and Vixen, ok I'm waiting for it to happen, which it really isn't going to