My new Shooshtime intro!
- 12 334
- 16 January 2024
- 0:41
comments 14
@Graphics I’m childish for using internet slang on the internet yet you sent me EIGHT comments about how much you think I’m dumb for entertaining my fans and doing stuff they asked for. A mature person would just ignore what they don’t like and move on, but you clearly can’t even criticize a person maturely either. I haven’t thrown a single jab at you or called you names in the short time we’ve known each other yet you’ve called me so many things and compared me to a chomo (Ezra) in that timeframe. I don’t think it’s a competition here on who’s mature enough to be on this site.
also keep saying lmao like a fucking childish bitch, since we all know you are young for making this shit.
@TheRoaringLion you’re hating but you’re not even disliking lmao put your money where your mouth is
Yeah and your hyped event is not even gonna be a event, its a video loop for a intro, like its not a event you have fucking 8.3k dudes jerking off insteadof taking care of their fucking kids
@TheRoaringLion it’s been a hyped event in the server for a week now lmao what are you doing here
Not like she @everyone