"The raptor" {part-5} gacha
- 55 376
- 29 June 2022
- 3:29
comments 7
30 June 2022
then indo pounces on blue then they argue for about 10 secs (vid time/ actual time = 2 minutes) then Echo, Indom, and Charlie let Indo, Blue, and Delta f*ck them (Idom = Delta and Blue
30 June 2022
maybe part 6 could have Charlie going behind the same bush that Indo and Indom are behind and getting scared and screaming attracting Delta, Blue, and Echo.
Charlie See's them from behind sneaks behind them goes behind I rex covers her mouth and drags her away with out Indo noticing and makes a call and blue echo delta go to her call and Indo follows and she see's that I rex is gone only to realize charlie took her so blue says if you what her back we will have to fuck you blue x echo x delta x charlie x I rex x indo