LIVE Fleshlight Contest Winner & Surprises For My Fans on Xmas! w Banksie 2020


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Please Login or Register to post comments. 31 December 2022

I swear I wanted to miss this Christmas but getting out the day before with only a few of my friends come to keep me chill till now? If that's can't be you on me so it's hot if you still if you remember a dude saying to you he will wait for you till you turn 18? At a park late night then it's hot I want to see you again if not I still want to see you with that banging as body send me a reply if I don't complain about a response about not getting anything then I got hacked not me be careful.. in Murrieta came back and been rehabbing do trip ingot you I will get to you if it's weird I really owe youna night out on me for that night at least!